Wednesday, April 18, 2007

vinyl daydream

When I was out for a walk with the kids last night I came across this broken Perry Como 45 on the sidewalk and I am still just laughing about it.

Upon closer inspection of the record I found a marking noting that it was property of a nearby elementary school. Wow! Is it possible that this elementary school still has vinyl in their library? and if so are these kids really listening to perry como on vinyl??

Well, they're not listening to the "love looks so good on you" single anymore, that's for sure. I'd like to think that the little record-breaking-hooligan was put up to the vandalism by his hippie parents and he's at home spinning some wax he can appreciate a little more right now. I'm crossing my fingers, hoping not to come across pieces of Blonde on Blonde or the White Album on my next walk.


1 comment:

cephotos said...

I love this shot, no kidding. For some crazy reason it speaks to me on some philosophical level....I know, now I sound "broken". The framing is perfect!